Data Processing Taxonomy

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Data Processing Taxonomy is a scheme for classifying Data Processing activities according to their various characteristics. Such schemes are particularly important in a regulatory contexts.

Data Acquire to come into possession or control of the data
Data Adapt to modify the data, often rewritten into a new form for a new use
Data Align to adjust the data to be in relation to another data
Data Alter to change the data without changing it into something else
Data Analyse to study or examine the data in detail
Data Anonymise to irreversibly alter personal data in such a way that an unique data subject can no longer be identified directly or indirectly or in combination with other data
Data Automated Decision Making Processing that involves automated decision making
Data Collect to gather data from someone
Data Combine to join or merge data
Data Consult to consult or query data
Data Copy to produce an exact reprodution of the data
Data Data Source Source is direct point of data collection; 'origin' would indicate the original/others points of where the data originates from
Data Derive to create new derivative data from the original data
Data Destruct to process data in a way it no longer exists or cannot be repaired
Data Disclose to make data known
Data Disclose by Transmission to disclose data by means of transmission
Data Disseminate to spread data throughout
Data Erase to delete data
Data Evaluation and Scoring Processing that involves evaluation and scoring of individuals
Data Innovative Use of New Technologies Processing that involves use of innovative and new technologies
Data Large Scale Processing Processing that takes place at large scales
Data Make Available to transform or publish data to be used
Data Matching and Combining Processing that involves matching and combining of personal data
Data Move to move data from one location to another including deleting the original copy
Data Obtain to solicit or gather data from someone
Data Organise to organize data for arranging or classifying
Data Processing
Data Profiling to create a profile that describes or represents a person
Data Pseudo-Anonymise to replace personal identifiable information by artificial identifiers
Data Record to make a record (especially media)
Data Remove to destruct or erase data
Data Restrict to apply a restriction on the processsing of specific records
Data Retrieve to retrieve data, often in an automated manner
Data Share to give data (or a portion of it) to others
Data Store to keep data for future use
Data Structure to arrange data according to a structure
Data Systematic Monitoring Processing that involves systematic monitoring of individuals
Data Transfer to move data from one place to another
Data Transform to change the form or nature of data
Data Transmit to send out data
Data Use to use data

See Also
