Statistical Information
Statistical Information denotes statistical data on the procedure and the lot.
In the EProcurement Ontology this class is temporal and should cease to exist in fully electronic procurement. At the present time (2024) Procurement Procedures are not fully electronic. The need for its presence responds also to the alignment with the Regulation (EU) 2019/1780 (eForms). At a later date, information on the tenders received could be inferred by the data in the eProcurement system.
Attention will have to be paid in the future to possible inconsistencies derived from data placed in other classes and data held in the Statistical Information class; e.g. the TenderEvaluation class (see eEvaluation diagram) has the attribute admissibileTender indicator, which in case of being false, may enter in contradiction with the highest or lowest tender value for that very same inadmissible tender.