Financial Reporting Standards

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List of Worldwide Financial Reporting Standards

This page contains a list of the worldwide adoption of Financial Reporting standards for financial institutions and similar entities[1]

  • The list does not cover the reporting standards used by regular corporates or SME's (where those differ from FI's)
  • The notes indicate whether there are any special considerations (e.g. modifications of a given standard etc.)
Country Reporting Standard Notes
Afghanistan IFRS All except micro-sized
Albania IFRS Some deviations from EU usage
Anguilla IFRS
Antigua & Barbuda IFRS
Argentina BCRA Convergence with IFRS planned for 2018
Armenia IFRS Banking
Australia IFRS No substantive modifications
Austria IFRS As adopted by the EU
Azerbaijan IFRS
Bahamas IFRS
Bahrain IFRS
Bangladesh IFRS As adopted by the ICAB
Barbados IFRS
Belarus IFRS
Belgium IFRS As adopted by the EU
Belize IFRS
Bermuda IFRS, Canadian GAAP, US GAAP
Bhutan National GAAP IFRS adoption in 2021
Bolivia Bolivian Accounting Standards
Bosnia and Herzegovina IFRS
Botswana IFRS
Brazil IFRS
British Virgin Islands
Brunei Darussalam IFRS
Bulgaria IFRS As adopted by the EU
Cambodia IFRS Adopted word-for-word as CIFRS
Canada Canadian GAAP IFRS compliant, options for US GAAP
Cayman Islands Range of options
Chile SBIF IFRS with significant modifications
China, People's Republic of ASBE
Colombia IFRS IFRS for "Group 1" companies, NIFM for micro-sized entities
Costa Rica IFRS
Côte d'Ivoire
Croatia IFRS As adopted by the EU
Cyprus IFRS As adopted by the EU
Czech Republic IFRS As adopted by the EU
Denmark IFRS As adopted by the EU
Dominica IFRS Implicit
Dominican Republic IFRS
Ecuador IFRS
Egypt EAS
El Salvador National Regulatory GAAP
Estonia IFRS As adopted by the EU
Faroe Islands
Finland IFRS As adopted by the EU
France IFRS As adopted by the EU
The Gambia IFRS
Georgia IFRS
Germany IFRS As adopted by the EU
Ghana IFRS
Greece IFRS As adopted by the EU
Grenada Range of options
Guatemala National Regulatory Manuals
Guinea-Bissau UEMOA Banking Legislation
Guyana IFRS
Honduras CNBS Standards
Hong Kong HKFRS Similar to IFRS
Hungary IFRS As adopted by the EU
Iceland IFRS As adopted by the EU
India Ind AS Urban Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks use own standards
Indonesia SAK
Iran AOI Requires IFRS for Banks
Ireland IFRS As adopted by the EU
Isle of Man
Israel US GAAP
Italy IFRS As adopted by the EU
Jamaica IFRS
Japan Japanese Accounting Standards, IFRS or US GAAP
Jordan IFRS
Kazakhstan IFRS
Kenya IFRS
South Korea IFRS
Kuwait IFRS
Latvia IFRS As adopted by the EU
Liechtenstein IFRS As adopted by the EU
Lithuania IFRS As adopted by the EU
Luxembourg IFRS As adopted by the EU
Malaysia MFRS Virtually identical to IFRS
Malta IFRS As adopted by the EU
Mauritius IFRS With some size based excemptions
Mexico MFRS and Regulatory Reporting Standards
Moldova IFRS
Mongolia IFRS For financial institutions only
Montenegro IFRS
Montserrat Range of options
Myanmar MFRS 2010 version of IFRS
Netherlands IFRS As adopted by the EU
New Zealand NZ-IFRS
Nicaragua SIBOIF Accounting Standards
Niger UEMOA Banking Legislation
Nigeria IFRS
Norway IFRS As adopted by the EU
Pakistan IFRS
Panama IFRS or US GAAP
Paraguay National GAAP
Peru CNC Standards
Philippines PFRS
Poland IFRS As adopted by the EU
Portugal IFRS As adopted by the EU
Qatar IFRS Also AAOIFI Standards
Republic of Macedonia
Romania IFRS As adopted by the EU
Russia IFRS
Rwanda IFRS
Saint Lucia IFRS
Saudi Arabia IFRS As endorsed by SOCPA
Serbia IFRS
Singapore SFRS Similar to IFRS
Slovakia IFRS As adopted by the EU
Slovenia IFRS As adopted by the EU
South Africa IFRS Depending on the public interest score also IFRS for SME
Spain IFRS As adopted by the EU
Sri Lanka SLFRS Deviations from IFRS
Suriname A form of Dutch GAAP
Swaziland IFRS Not strictly enforced
Sweden IFRS As adopted by the EU
Switzerland IFRS, Swiss GAAP, US GAAP, Bank Law
Tanzania IFRS
Taiwan IFRS Except Credit Cooperatives, Credit Card Companies and Insurance Intermediaries
Thailand TFRS
Turkey IFRS
Uganda IFRS
Ukraine IFRS
United Arab Emirates IFRS Some financial institutions use AAOIFI standards
United Kingdom IFRS Currently as adopted by the EU
United States US GAAP As issued by FASB
Uruguay IFRS
Uzbekistan IFRS With some central bank required modifications
Venezuela IFRS 2008 Version with modification
Vietnam VAS
Zambia IFRS


  1. 2017 Pocket Guide to IFRS Standards