Saving Goals And Priorities

From Open Risk Manual
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Saving Goals And Priorities. In the context of the Financial Competence Framework, Saving Goals And Priorities is a topic in the Planning And Managing Finances subject matter domain.[1]


Mastering the role of Saving Goals And Priorities in financial literacy context requires the following competences:

Code Competency Description Competency Type
146 Understands the benefits of saving, of having savings goals and a plan to achieve them Knowledge
147 Understands the benefits of starting to save from a young age and saving regularly Knowledge
148 Understands the concept of treating personal saving as a financial commitment, sometimes described as “pay yourself first” Knowledge
149 Identifies a specific savings goal with a time frame and an approach to achieve it Skill
150 Strives to save each time income is received Skill
151 Prioritises saving ahead of some forms of discretionary spending Skill
152 Confident to set own savings targets based on realistic aspirations and believes it is possible to reach those saving targets Attitude
153 Sees saving as a basic component of a household budget Attitude


  1. European Union/OECD (2022), Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union