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From Open Risk Manual
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Latest revision as of 19:56, 17 February 2022


A Entity-Relationship Diagram (or E-R Diagram or Model) is a structural diagram that describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of knowledge. An E-R Diagram is composed of entity types (which identify the things of interest) and relationships that can exist between entities (instances of those entity types).

Entity-relationship modeling was developed for database design. It is most closely related to a Class Diagram. It does not define the Business Process it presents a business data schema in graphical form.

PlantUML Elements

A PlantUML components diagram specifies and shows the following:

  • Entities
  • Relations


skinparam handwritten true
hide circle
skinparam linetype ortho
entity "Entity01" as e01 {
* e1_id : number <<generated>>
* name : text
description : text
entity "Entity02" as e02 {
* e2_id : number <<generated>>
* e1_id : number <<FK>>
other_details : text
entity "Entity03" as e03 {
* e3_id : number <<generated>>
e1_id : number <<FK>>
other_details : text
e01 ||..o{ e02
e01 |o..o{ e03

Entity Relationship Diagram
