Supply Table

From Open Risk Manual


Supply Table captures the value of products (output) produced (supplied) by each industry. It distinguishes between the output of domestic industries and imports.


ESA 1995 requires the supply table at Basic Prices including a transformation into Purchaser Prices. The supply table contains three important matrices:

The valuation matrices for trade and transport margins and taxes less subsidies on products allow a transformation of supply from basic prices to purchasers’ prices.

The matrices have the same row structure defined by categories of products. This structure allows the horizontal aggregation of all elements from Total Output of industries at basic prices to total supply at purchasers' prices.


  • A supply matrix S_{ij} (formerly the transpose of a make matrix) shows the production of commodities i in terms of industries j
  • A make matrix M_{ij} shows the production of commodities i in terms of industries j


  • Eurostat SUT Manual