Implications Of Purchases

From Open Risk Manual


Implications Of Purchases. In the context of the Financial Competence Framework, Implications Of Purchases is a topic in the Money And Transactions subject matter domain.[1]


Mastering the role of Implications Of Purchases in financial literacy context requires the following competences:

Code Competency Description Competency Type
93 Knows that some purchases may incur ongoing costs such as maintenance or storage Knowledge
94 Is aware when subscriptions end and if they will be renewed automatically Knowledge
95 Takes into account long-term implications of subscriptions and other purchases requiring repeated payments Skill
96 Makes an informed decision about the overall impact of options to spread payments over time Skill
97 Makes any ongoing payments as agreed Skill
98 Makes an informed decision about whether to make large purchases immediately or in the future Skill
99 Confident to apply knowledge of factors such as inflation and exchange rates when making a decision about whether to delay a purchase Attitude


  1. European Union/OECD (2022), Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union