ISCO Minor Group 215 Electrotechnology Engineers

From Open Risk Manual


Electrotechnology Engineers: Electrotechnology engineers conduct research on and design, advise, plan and direct the construction and operation of electronic, electrical and telecommunications systems, components, motors and equipment. They organize and establish control systems to monitor the performance and safety of electrical and electronic assemblies and systems.

Tasks performed usually include: conducting research, advising on and directing the maintenance and repair of electrical, electronic and telecommunications products and systems; advising on and designing power stations and systems that generate, transmit and distribute electrical power; establishing control standards to monitor performance and safety of electrical, electronic and telecommunication systems and equipment.

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:

2151 Electrical Engineers

2152 Electronics Engineers

2153Telecommunications Engineers

Unit Groups

Unit Group Title
C2151 ISCO Unit Group 2151 Electrical Engineers
C2153 ISCO Unit Group 2153 Telecommunications Engineers
C2152 ISCO Unit Group 2152 Electronics Engineers

Higher Level