Guarantors And Collateral

From Open Risk Manual


Guarantors And Collateral. In the context of the Financial Competence Framework, Guarantors And Collateral is a topic in the Planning And Managing Finances subject matter domain.[1]


Mastering the role of Guarantors And Collateral in financial literacy context requires the following competences:

Code Competency Description Competency Type
284 Aware that some credit providers may require a guarantor to cover credit payments in the event of default Knowledge
285 Aware that asking for a credit may require a collateral to secure repayment of a loan Knowledge
286 Understands the social and financial implications of asking someone to become a guarantor and the responsibility it brings when credit repayments are not made Knowledge
287 Takes into account the social and financial implications of asking someone to be a guarantor Skill
288 Confident to guarantee another person or to ask another person to be a guarantor Attitude


  1. European Union/OECD (2022), Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union