GHG Reporting Period

From Open Risk Manual


GHG Reporting Period is the temporal interval over which GHG Accounting reports cumulative GHG Emissions. In current protocols the time period of the GHG inventory cycle is typically 1 year but may be more (e.g., 2 or 4 years).

GPC Protocol

The GPC is designed to account for city GHG emissions within a single reporting year. The inventory shall cover a continuous period of 12 months, ideally aligning to either a calendar year or a financial year, consistent with the time periods most commonly used by the city.[1]

Calculation methodologies in the GPC generally quantify emissions released during the reporting year. In certain cases—in the Waste sector, for instance—the available or nationally-consistent methodologies may also estimate the future emissions that result from activities conducted within the reporting year


  1. Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories, An Accounting and Reporting Standard for Cities, Version 1.1, 2021. WRI, C40, IOCLEI