CPV Category 39-8-3-1 - Washing Preparations

From Open Risk Manual


The Common Procurement Vocabulary Category 39-8-3-1 concerns washing preparations.


This CPV Category contains the following CPV Sub-Categories:

Sub-Category Code Description
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-100 Oil dispersant
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-200 Detergents
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-210 Dishwasher detergents
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-220 Degreasing agents
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-230 Grease digesters
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-240 Cleaning compounds
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-250 Rinsing solutions
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-300 Floor cleaners
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-400 Screen cleaners
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-500 Automotive cleaners
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-600 Toilet cleaners
CPV Sub-Category 39-8-3-1-700 Automatic soap dispensers