CPV Category 33-6-9-2 - Medical Solutions

From Open Risk Manual


The Common Procurement Vocabulary Category 33-6-9-2 concerns medical solutions.


This CPV Category contains the following CPV Sub-Categories:

Sub-Category Code Description
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-100 Infusion solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-200 Parenteral nutrition products
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-210 Parenteral feeding solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-300 Enteral feeds
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-400 Perfusion solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-500 Injectable solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-510 Intravenous fluids
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-600 Galenical solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-700 Glucose solutions
CPV Sub-Category 33-6-9-2-800 Dialysis solutions