The Open Risk Data functionality of the Open Risk Manual is in still in active development!

Change dispatch statistics

From Open Risk Data

This page provides statistics about dispatching changes to the clients. A client wiki is notified of a change on Open Risk Data once the change has been dispatched on that wiki, and the job queue on that wiki has processed that notification.

  • Change log statistics shows the number and the date for the oldest and the most recent items currently in the queue.
  • Dispatch statistics provides information about the most lagged and the least lagged client wiki, and one with median lag. For each wiki, the following information is provided:
    • "Site" is the internal ID of the client wiki.
    • "Position" is the ID of the last change dispatched to that wiki.
    • "Pending" is the number of changes not yet dispatched to that wiki.
    • "Lag" is the time between the change last dispatched to the wiki, and the last change performed on Open Risk Data.
    • "Touched" is the time when the last batch of changes got dispatched to the wiki.

There are currently no statistics available.