Model Risk Manager

From Open Risk Manual


AModel Risk Manager is a type of quantitative Risk Manager role that focuses on Model Risk, namely the potential for error in the development, implementation and/or the application or interpretation of results produced of a financial / Risk Model. Model risk related errors are risk factors that can lead to a variety of financial and / or reputational Loss events.

Roles and Responsibilities


Description of the abilities, proficiencies, know-hows, skills the a person must possess in order to carry out the risk management responsibilities

  • Business Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • General Skills (Linguistic)

Seniority Level

Indication as to whether the function is formally segmented into seniority levels (e.g. junior, senior) that have material skill / experience requirements and are not simply organizational arrangements.


Experience denotes the intangible qualities acquired by a person in the process of having performed certain functions in the past

  • Required experience in related business models
  • General work experience


Education denotes any formal and long duration training that is considered an important prerequisite for a role

  • Educational level, e.g., university or college degree
  • Subject matter of studies / Specialization
  • Educational institution


Qualifications are formal certifications that a person fulfills some professional requirements

  • Certifications
  • Accreditations
  • Admittance to professional societies etc.
  • Be involved in the model approval process