Environmental Impact

From Open Risk Manual


Environmental Impact (or Environmental Stressor) in the context of an Input-Output Model denotes an extension of the basic IO model via a system of satellite accounts that provides insights into the environmental footprint of economic activities.


Each MRIO's environmental consumption-based accounts (CBA) result can be understood as a product of three variables:

  • a flow (transactions) matrix Z describing the economic structure between various production sectors
  • an environmental stressors matrix (or ‘satellite account’) F describing the per-sector direct environmental impacts of production
  • a consumption bundle Y describing the composition of final consumption (Final Demand).

The total footprint C is a function of these three variables: C = f (F, Z, Y).


C & = F \times (I - A)^{-1} \times Y


  • F is a vector of impact intensities per sector
  • C is the total impact for given final demand Y

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