ESMA Commercial Real Estate.Exposures.Non Recoverability Determined

From Open Risk Manual

Definition of ESMA Commercial Real Estate.Exposures.Non Recoverability Determined

ESMA Commercial Real Estate.Exposures.Non Recoverability Determined

  • Member of Table: ESMA Commercial Real Estate Exposures Table
  • ESMA Field Index: CREL148


Indicator (Yes/No) as to whether the Servicer or Special Servicer has determined that there will be a shortfall in recovering any advances it has made and the outstanding underlying exposure balance and any other amounts owing on the underlying exposure from proceeds upon sale or liquidation of the property or underlying exposure.

Field Characteristics


The field type / format is: Y/N

No Data Options

  • The field can be empty under data options ND1-ND4
  • The field can be empty under data option ND5

No Data Options Legend

Option Explanation
ND1 Data not collected as not required by the lending or underwriting criteria
ND2 Data collected on underlying exposure application but not loaded into the originator’s reporting system
ND3 Data collected on underlying exposure application but loaded onto a separate system from the originator’s reporting system
ND4 Data collected but will only be available from YYYY-MM-DD (YYYY-MM-DD shall be completed)
ND5 Not applicable


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  • This information is provided as is. Refer to the ESMA Securitisation Template for pointers to definitive instructions