EBA NPL Relationship - Non-Property Collateral Table

From Open Risk Manual

Table Fields

Field Type Definition
Protection identifier Text Institution internal identifier for the non-real estate Collateral as defined in section "Non-Property Collateral" (Relationship table is added for demonstrating the relationships between loans and collaterals)
Contract Identifier Text Institution internal identifier for the Loan Agreement
Lien Position Number Highest lien position(s) held by the Institution in relation to the Collateral
Higher Ranking Loan Number Amount of higher ranking / lien loans secured against the Collateral that is not held by the Institution and does not form a part of the Portfolio
Higher Ranking Claimant Text Names of higher ranking claimant(s)


  • This text is generated automatically. Do not edit manually!
  • This information is provided as is. Refer to the EBA NPL Template for pointers to definitive instructions