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US US National Security Agency NSA 2005 Misuse (Q10327)

From Open Risk Data
A data breach risk event
Language Label Description Also known as
US US National Security Agency NSA 2005 Misuse
A data breach risk event


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    January 2005
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    In 2006, the Office of Oversight and Compliance within NSAs Signals Intelligence Directorate informed NSA OIG that, between 2005 and 2006 the subject had without authorization queried in two SIGINT systems the telephone numbers of two foreign nationals, one of whom as his girlfriend. On one occasion, the subject performed a text query of his own name in a SIGINT system. The OIG investigation found that the subject queried his girlfriends telephone number on many occasions and her name on two. He testified that he received only one hit from the queries on the girlfriend. Another number he queried, that of a foreign national language instructor, returned insignificant information. The subject claimed that he queried his name to see if anyone was discussing his travel and the telephone numbe (English)