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US Memphis Neurology 2011 Misuse (Q10154)

From Open Risk Data
A data breach risk event
Language Label Description Also known as
US Memphis Neurology 2011 Misuse
A data breach risk event


    0 references
    January 2011
    0 references
    Memphis man accused of using stolen patient identity information to defraud banks of $1.6 million - Memphis Neurology The affidavit of complaint against Jeremy Jones said he started stealing identities of patients of Memphis Neurology back in 2011, and he used those identities to bilk various banks of $1,660,587.30. McFall said 146 of their patients and employees had been victimized in this scheme, but no medical records were involved. It sounds like the medical practice had no idea what their employee was doing/had done until law enforcement contacted them. (English)