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US VCU Health System 2017 Misuse (Q10142)

From Open Risk Data
A data breach risk event
Language Label Description Also known as
US VCU Health System 2017 Misuse
A data breach risk event


    0 references
    January 2017
    0 references
    Imagine having your personal and medical information stolen not once, but twice. It happened to a VCU Health System patient. And it was an inside job. Its extremely frustrating, said that patient, who 8News is not identifying. You live in that fear, will my money be taken, will accounts be opened up in my name? The news of the security breach came in a letter. It stated her clinical information, name, social security number, diagnosis and medications had been inappropriately accessed by an employee. The letter also stated it had been going on for nearly two years. VCU became aware of it February 1. However, the letter dated March 21, didnt get to the patient until March 29. (English)