Debt Accrued From Late Payments

From Open Risk Manual
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Debt Accrued From Late Payments. In the context of the Financial Competence Framework, Debt Accrued From Late Payments is a topic in the Planning And Managing Finances subject matter domain.[1]


Mastering the role of Debt Accrued From Late Payments in financial literacy context requires the following competences:

Code Competency Description Competency Type
342 Understands that debts can accrue from unpaid bills as well as from the use of credit Knowledge
343 Understands that there is usually an additional cost incurred for late payment of bills and credit Knowledge
344 Prioritises bills and credit repayments over discretionary spending Skill
345 Takes steps to avoid falling behind with payments even if circumstances change Skill


  1. European Union/OECD (2022), Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union