ISCO Unit Group 9321 Hand Packers

From Open Risk Manual


Hand Packers: Hand packers weigh, pack and label materials and products by hand.

Tasks include -

(a) weighing, wrapping, sealing and packing materials and various products by hand;

(b) filling bottles, cans, boxes, bags and other containers with products by hand;

(c) labelling products, packages and various containers by hand.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

- Labeller (hand)

- Packer (hand)

- Wrapper (hand)

Some related occupations classified elsewhere:

- Labelling machine operator- 8183

- Packing machine operator- 8183

- Wrapping machine operator- 8183


Occupation Title
C9321.1 ISCO Occupation Group 9321.1 Clothing Finisher
C9321.2 ISCO Occupation Group 9321.2 Hand Packer

Higher Level